Selection of Google AI Governance Questions

Selection of Google AI Governance Questions

  1. Product description and use case
    1. What is the intended use, limitations, user journey, go-to-market plans and product vision for the credit lending solution? What problems will the machine learning model solve?
    2. What happens before and after the model in a customer’s end to end workflow?
    3. Are there uses of this solution that (1) we don’t intend (2) can foresee if the product is made generally available and (3) would be considered problematic?
  2. Stakeholders
    1. Who are the intended users? What other groups may be impacted? What groups are invisible today? Who benefits from the status quo? Who does not?
    2. Do we have input, first hand or documented, from stakeholders to ensure their voices are incorporated into our evaluation?
  3. Societal Context
    1. What are the historical and contemporary social, political, economic, emotional and attitudinal factors important and relevant to credit lending and the FinServ industry?
    2. Is there potential to perpetuate or exacerbate exclusion in FinServ with automation?
    3. As the technology provider, what is Google’s scope of responsibility to address potential risks and harms identified across the credit lending industry? Where do we have direct control within the product, and where can we influence or educate stakeholders in control to make informed decisions?
  4. Data, Testing, Tooling
    1. How might we define fairness and equity with a credit lending solution?
    2. How was the training data collected, sampled and labeled? • How was the model tested and validated? What are plans or recommendations to customers for ongoing testing and monitoring in deployment?
  5. Solution Design
    1. Are there technical criteria critical to developing a credit solution responsibly?
  6. Opportunities
    1. Are there opportunities with a credit lending AI solution to reduce exclusionary practices in FinServ today?
    2. Are there external experts or parties in this space we would consider partnering with? To what benefit?
    3. What educational materials are important to provide customers to help ensure responsible and intended use of the solution?

Source: Google